Bill and Charisse share multiple terrifying paranormal encounters from their Cabin on a Hill. The cabin sits atop an old abandoned logging road surrounded by the Daniel Boone National Forest and Red River Gorge in Kentucky. Their disturbing true stories will be reenacted and animated featuring never seen before video files and photographic evidence.
Bill and Charisse appear on camera and narrate their stories consisting of:
*Large bizarre footprints found in the snow resembling BigFoot, Sasquatch, Swamp Ape or Yeti.
Others say it resembles a 65 million-year-old prehistoric Pterodactyl bird…you decide.
*UFO’s caught on security cameras.
*Threatening paranormal entities turning on and off TV’s and moving objects.
*Ethereal-mist, dancing lights, ghosts, bangs on the doors, howls and growls resonating from the valley below and other unexplainable phenomena
After three years of living in a Cabin on a Hill, they realized they were co-existing with an other-worldly spirit with a penchant for electronics, which leaves the couple questioning their ability to cope with the supernatural events unfolding. The couple’s entire foundation of faith, family, and friends was about to be tested.
As the reality of living in the woods turns from dream to nightmare, changing their lives forever, it’s clear “If Mother Nature doesn’t kill them, the Supernatural may.”
When asked if the Supernatural exists, Bill’s quotes The Storyteller Todd Snider,
“I’m not trying to change anyone’s mind about anything, I just trying to free my mind about everything…and it works every time.