Tommy Spencer’s Hand Crafted Bird Houses S1 E5
Tommy’s Birdhouses are GORGEous
“Bill from the Ville” Tele-Vision is proud to present – Tommy Spencer and his incredible artisanship. For over 40 years Tommy Spencer has been selling his Hand Crafted Bird Houses in the Red River Gorge and Natural Bridge. Exit 33 in Slade Kentucky, straight off the Mountain Parkway, nestled off the side of the road near the church you will find him. Beautiful, masterpieces of craftsmanship both large and small on display by the dozens. Tommy has found homes for his birdhouses in Alaska. Both Ozzy Osbourne and Steven Seagal obviously have a great eye for talent and have purchased from Tommy too while visiting the area. I personally met Tommy 5 years ago when my wife said, “…turn around, I think that guy is selling Birdhouses!”
I listened and it was the best thing I ever did. Tommy is good people, big hearted, funny, and tough as nails. He has survived many major health challenges including cancer. He sets up every Friday and Saturday and has been known to sell out almost every weekend. It keeps him busy at 70 years young. Sadly, after working in his shop, closing up and going to bed the workshop caught fire. Karen, Tommy’s wife was awakened and got the pets protected. They sat helplessly as they watched a lifetime of equipment and an entire structure burn to the ground. All Tommy was able to salvage was a hammer with the rubber handle burnt off of it. They are devastated and trying to put one foot in front of the other. Due to a loop hole in the insurance, they denied the claim and will not cover any of the over 20k in lost equipment or the structure. I would visit Tommy often on Saturdays and keep him company. We would chat for hours on end about everything and nothing. It was wonderful and we quickly became friends. Knowing Tommy and his wife Karen, they are very self reliant “Mountain People “and it took me awhile to gain their trust it is in everyone’s best interest to get Tommy back to work ASAP. The Holidays are here and we usually sell 100’s of Bird Houses to very grateful and gracious hosts. Now is the time when Random Acts of Kindness prevail and our faith in humanity is restored. He would never ask for it but he needs all kinds of saws, drills, nail guns, bits, hand tools, planers, and on and on to get him building again. Through the Angel network on social media, many have responded to help. We are just getting started, he still needs to clear the burned down debris and set up some type of shelter. He is determined and though the kind words he has received from total strangers on Facebook, hope for the future seems to be restored. If you know of anyone who may have some woodcrafting tools available please let me know. You can reach me at Feel free to share this with friends and please subscribe to our BFTV YouTube Channel for more updates and videos. Camera’s will be rolling when the donations are presented to Tommy and his family. Share in the love and good vibes. I thank you in advance for your watching and being a part of “Bill from the Ville” Tele-Vision. Special thanks to #JeffClark for his perfect music for BFTV and especially this project. I hope his great vibes and inspiring words ring out all over the world. #BirdHouses #RedRiverGorge #NaturalBridge #BFTVTV #RandomActsofKindness #Slade #Kentucky #Artisan #Craft #BillfromtheVille