Now that I look back at it, this is my true and final destiny. I hear the call of the wild, and I must answer. Time to get back to my roots and live life to the fullest. New discoveries everyday are what makes life worth living. I did not go looking for the Supernatural, the Supernatural came looking for me!
Born and raised in Louisville, the Kentucky Derby is a big deal. My parents were heavily involved in the Kentucky Derby Festival. My beautiful and talented mother was at one time the President of the Fillies. An organization that held the Derby Ball kicking off two weeks of events leading up to the greatest two minutes in sports….The Kentucky Derby. I was lucky enough to have escorted the Derby Princesses around Louisville. One day when I was 12 years old, I actually got to meet Fess Parker, the actor who played Daniel Boone. He was in town for the Kentucky Derby and the Pegasus Parade. I remember as a child watching episodes of Daniel Boone in the 60’s and wearing a coonskin hat. After meeting Fess Parker, that was it! I was hooked on Daniel Boone and soon began shooting a Daisy Red Ryder B.B. guns at tins cans set up as Red Coats.
Not only did the show represent the historical Kentucky contribution of Boone to the Nation, it also captured the vision of a nurturing, loving, family lifestyle in a strong community. Community was crucial to survival in those days and everyone knew and relied on everyone else. I am a FaceBook friend of Darby Hinton, who played his son Israel in the show. I still enjoy watching with episodes with Charisse to this day.
Daniel Boone, the man himself, reminds me of my father. A big strong “gentle man” with a heart of gold, guided by his moral compass and loved by his friends. People trusted and respected him. Both Daniel Boone and my dad Bill Stark Sr. are my heroes. On the TV show Daniel Boone was married to a beautiful red-headed classy lady named Rebecca, just like my own mom Rebecca Stark.
This Web site and my book are dedicated to my father’s memory and service to his country in World War II, as I write these notes on this Memorial Day weekend. I hope to become half the man he was.
A couple of books are in the works with Paranormal Cabin Stores and “THIS IS A LIFE!” – Highlights of my journey that led me to the “CABIN ON A HILL.”
I have always loved the outdoors with memories as a kid catching crawdads in the creek and building a tree-house with my dad. As an adult I watched in envy all the survivor shows like BEAR GRYLLS and LES STROUD and I would think to myself could I do that?
I now find myself along with my beautiful wife Charisse in a very unique position. The genie will not go back in the bottle and my soul is free for the first time ever. The stories that lead us to this point in our lives are undeniably divine intervention. There is no other way to explain it. Whatever your beliefs, race or politics I don’t care. This is my story to share and I hope you can respect however I choose to express myself. I mean you no harm. I promise to tell the truth as I understand it and share with you my interpretation of the events in my life. If they bring you to a better place and you find some meaning, comfort, or humor and connect with the story I would be blessed. My fear is not being good enough to honor the tales of my life and the enormous gratitude I feel for just being alive.
This is my story.
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